newquayweather Pachanga
Porth, Newquay, Cornwall. UK
Updated03/03/2025 17:00 

About This Station

12th Jan 2018 07:55 - La Crosse WS2300 replaced by a cabled serial Davis VP2 Pro
The data is collected every 2.5 seconds. The station is comprised of an anemometer, a rain gauge (0.2mm) and a thermo-hydro sensor, a solar radiation sensor to be fitted soon.

Station operational from May 2007 The station is powered by a La Crosse WS2300 weather station. The data is collected every 8 seconds and the site is updated every 15 minutes (10 secs live data). This site and its data is collected using Weather Display Software. The station consists of an anemometer, rain gauge and a thermo-hydro sensor situated in optimal positions for highest accuracy as far as possible. Station Latitude 50.4236, Longitude -5.0531 and ASL 31m (Satnav)

Data is collected on a Shuttle XS36V4, low power fanless PC running weather display software, the PC also runs Air and Ship movements and Gieger counter.

About Newquay

Where is Newquay, UK

Newquay dates from the early part of the first millennium, over 1600 years ago Newquay was little more than a minor fortified settlement. Evidence suggests that weapons were smelted here in the Iron Age. Newquay's enviable position, enjoying surf, sand and sunshine has made it an attractive proposition through the ages. In 1439 Bishop Lacey of Exeter allowed the burghers of what was then called "Towan Blistra" to build a New Quay, hence Newquay.

It was the beginning of the town's second life as a fishing port culminating in the arrival of the great pilchard shoals of the 18th century. When the pilchards went, the Industrial Revolution came, turning Newquay from a fishing to a commodity port trading tin, lead and china clay. In the seventeen and eighteenth centuries, low wages from fishing and agriculture were supplemented by smuggling and more sinisterly the "wrecking" made famous in Daphne du Maurier's "Jamaica Inn". Crantock hid many a cargo of silks, spices and brandy from the Revenue Men, and wreckers used to swarm from the nearby villages at news of a ship in difficulties near the jaws of rock called the Bedruthan Steps. Interestingly Cornwall has its own language with a 2000 year tradition and close ties with Welsh and Breton. As late as the 18th century peasants resentful of English ways and taxes would say "My ny vynnaf cows sawnsek" ("I will not speak English"), now they're more likely to say "surf's up dude".

Today, Newquay is the capital of England's surfing scene with 11 beaches stretching over seven miles of golden sand, so it is not surprising that this one-time fishing village has transformed itself into the surfer's paradise.

About Porth island (Trevelgue Head)

Trevelgue Head cliff castle is an outstanding Iron Age headland to the north of Newquay in Cornwall. The ramparts are still impressive and the site is most dramatic when a heavy sea attacks the cliffs.

About This Website

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Special thanks go to Ken True of for the AJAX conditions display, dashboard and integration of the TNET Weather common PHP site design for this site.
Cloud base graphic courtesy of Bashewa Weather

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Page updated 12/1/2018 - Weather station change to Davis VP2 Pro