newquayweather Pachanga
Porth, Newquay, Cornwall. UK
Updated03/03/2025 17:30 

Raspberry Shake RS1D Seismograph - Newquay

Unit arrived 18-03-2021, Update 20-03-2021 Live data
My Station ID is AM.RD232, the map shows other stations in cornwall or you can zoom out to see more
Clicking on a station will show the last 10 mins data from that station

Newquay weather is joining the raspberry shake earthquake network, Raspberry Shake is probably the smallest seismograph of its caliber in existence, It can record earthquakes of all magnitudes. From the vanishingly small blips that are imperceptible to human senses, to the big destructive earthquakes that regularly happen around the world.

With the building site so close, day time working hours the helicorder images are a mess.

Data powered by Raspberry Shake, S.A., a citizen-science project.
Please visit and join the Citizen Science Community today! DOI:“

RS1D is the entry level seismograph to analyze most significant ground motion of local and large global earthquakes. One geophone to see vertical movement.

Recent Helicorder Displays

Latest First or use search, format yyyymmdd ie 20210327, each complete day has 2 images
Last 9 days available, images are at present uploaded manually

27/03/2021 - Added gallery of helicorder images
20/03/2021 - Live data to website
19/03/2021 - Raspberry Shake arrived from Panama