newquayweather Pachanga
Porth, Newquay, Cornwall. UK
Updated03/03/2025 17:15 

Other Months:

Newquay Temperature & Rain Records

Records are from data collected at Newquay since May 2007.
Day High Temperature Low Temperature Daily Rainfall Month to Date Rain Year to Date Rain
122.2 (2008)-4.3 (2018)15.4 (2024)15.4 (2024)272.8 (2014)
213.0 (2019)0.5 (2013)8.7 (2014)20.4 (2022)281.5 (2014)
313.6 (2021)0.0 (2023)13.2 (2018)23.0 (2022)287.6 (2014)
419.7 (2008)-1.2 (2011)17.4 (2024)37.2 (2024)288.1 (2014)
512.3 (2024)-0.9 (2011)15.0 (2019)37.2 (2024)288.1 (2014)
613.8 (2015)0.3 (2011)8.2 (2017)39.6 (2024)290.6 (2014)
718.7 (2008)-0.8 (2021)8.8 (2008)40.2 (2019)292.6 (2014)
815.4 (2013)-1.2 (2010)10.8 (2016)41.0 (2019)292.6 (2014)
916.7 (2014)0.1 (2021)14.4 (2018)50.0 (2018)293.8 (2020)
1014.9 (2014)1.9 (2013)21.2 (2008)52.2 (2018)295.6 (2020)
1114.2 (2012)-1.1 (2013)12.0 (2022)62.2 (2018)296.2 (2020)
1213.6 (2014)-1.9 (2013)10.8 (2021)63.6 (2018)298.4 (2020)
1315.5 (2016)1.4 (2013)9.3 (2008)67.3 (2008)303.4 (2020)
1414.8 (2016)2.3 (2011)27.2 (2018)90.8 (2018)304.6 (2020)
1514.4 (2011)0.9 (2010)14.8 (2013)93.4 (2018)313.8 (2020)
1614.8 (2011)2.5 (2010)7.1 (2013)96.4 (2018)313.8 (2020)
1715.0 (2024)-1.4 (2018)11.6 (2024)96.6 (2018)313.8 (2020)
1815.5 (2022)-2.3 (2018)4.2 (2013)96.6 (2018)315.0 (2020)
1915.4 (2009)-1.3 (2018)6.2 (2010)98.0 (2018)317.0 (2020)
2016.8 (2024)-1.2 (2018)8.4 (2023)98.0 (2018)317.0 (2020)
2115.6 (2022)-0.2 (2018)14.4 (2013)98.0 (2018)317.0 (2020)
2215.1 (2020)2.1 (2021)11.2 (2013)102.8 (2018)317.0 (2020)
2317.8 (2011)2.9 (2017)10.2 (2018)113.0 (2018)317.0 (2020)
2418.9 (2012)1.2 (2013)12.3 (2016)116.0 (2018)317.0 (2020)
2519.7 (2022)0.7 (2013)26.0 (2024)116.0 (2018)338.6 (2024)
2620.9 (2012)-0.9 (2013)7.9 (2014)119.2 (2018)340.0 (2024)
2719.6 (2012)-0.4 (2013)14.9 (2016)122.4 (2024)346.8 (2024)
2820.5 (2012)-1.8 (2013)7.6 (2016)128.6 (2024)353.0 (2024)
2918.6 (2012)1.6 (2013)5.6 (2016)130.2 (2024)354.6 (2024)
3019.4 (2021)0.4 (2013)10.2 (2011)139.8 (2024)364.2 (2024)
3116.9 (2019)1.1 (2013)9.7 (2017)144.4 (2024)368.8 (2024)
March Record22.2°C (2008)-4.3°C (2018)27.20 mm (2018)144.40 mm (2024)368.80 mm (2024)
Script Developed by Murry Conarroe of Wildwood Weather.