newquayweather Pachanga
Porth, Newquay, Cornwall. UK
Updated03/03/2025 17:15 

Aircraft ADS-B - SouthWest, UK

Not to be used for navigation

Always wanted to know what that plane was overhead, now you can. Flightradar24 shows live airplane traffic from different parts around the world. The technique to receive flight information from aircraft is called ADS-B, ADS-B stands for Automatic Dependant Surveillance - Broadcast. This broadcast technology is very similar to the marine Automatic Identification System (AIS) navigation system that is freely broadcast by ships, yachts and marine vessels across the world. can only show information about aircraft equipped with ADS-B transponders. Today about 60% of the passenger aircraft and only a small amount of military and private aircraft have an ADS-B transponder.
Please Note :
The data is supplied by individuals from all over the world. As such, no guarantee can be made as to the accuracy, timeliness, quality or fitness of the data for any other purpose than aviation enthusiast activities
10 minute timeout, sorry does not work well with Internet Explorer, please use Google Chrome or Firefox.

Aircraft disappear around Newquay airport below 300m as there is no close by receiver.

Map and data supplied by

Only airplanes equipped with an ADS-B transponder within the coverage area of the receivers are visible on the map, the map updates every 30 secs (default, can be changed, see adjustment tab), not all aircraft may show on first load of page, please wait for first refresh. You can zoom in or out using the slider top left or left click and drag the map around to show a different area, plus you can also click on a plane to show details of plane, route, height, speed etc. The color of the trail behind the plane differs depending on the altitude the aircraft had at that position. The numbers are in meter, if the plane is below 100 meters in altitude, the trail will be white.

Flight information is provided by FlightStats, and is subject to the FlightStats Terms of Use.
Some UK Airport Codes
BFS Belfast BHX Birmingham Int BRS Bristol DUB Dublin
EMA East Midlands EXT Exeter GLA Glasgow Int JER Jersey
LGW London Gatwick LHR London Heathrow LPL Liverpool LTN London Luton
MAN Mancester NCL Newcastle NQY Newquay PLH Plymouth
SOU Southampton
STN London Stansted
International Codes
CDG Charles-De-Gaulle JFK Newyork is a useful website for finding airline routes and flight schedules globally. The idea is being able to explore destination opportunities through non-stop flights from a specific airport. It's a tool to set up your business meeting or weekend holiday based on your timeschedule and your closest airport. Here is Newquay


Flightradar24, FlightStats

This page is purely a holder for an iframe to the “flightradar24” website which is created and hosted outside of the UK, newquayweather does not have any involvement in its design or maintenance, neither do we have any involvement in the compilation of data displayed on the site

12/5/2019 - Flightradar24 stopped all windows data feeds early May 2019 so have set up a Raspberry PI running Linux to upload data to flightradar24.